The Delhi School of Economics (DSE) was established in 1949 as an institution for advanced studies and research in Economics and allied disciplines at the initiative of Professor V.K.R.V. Rao. In 1952, a formal registered body under the name of Delhi School of Economics Society was formed and the Delhi School of Economics became one of its components. The DSE Society constituted a Governing Body for the administration of the School. The School had thereafter a mixed status, functioning both as the University Department of Economics and Commerce and as an Institute of national and international importance. Its funds also came both from the University budget for its activities as a Department and from the funds collected by the Society from other sources. In 1956, the School moved into its own new building which was built out of donations received from private sources and partly with assistance given by the University Grants Commission. In 1959, the University established a Department of Sociology and a Department of Human Geography. Both of these were formed as part of the School. In 1967, the University established a separate Department of Commerce. In May 1993, a new Faculty of Commerce and Business Studies was established with Commerce as a Department. The responsibility of general administration and problems common to all the departments located in the DSE is entrusted to the Director who is appointed for the purpose by the Vice Chancellor from among the Professors in the Departments of Economics, Geography and Sociology according to seniority for a period of three years by rotation. The departments of Economics and Sociology in the Delhi School of Economics have been recognized by the UGC as Centers for Advanced Studies in Economic History and Economic Development, and Sociology respectively.
The Delhi School of Economics Society received a benefaction of Rs. One Lakh from the Ratan Tata Trust for its Library. That is how the name Ratan Tata Library of Delhi School of Economics came to stay. Subsequently in 1980, the Ratan Tata Trust gave a grant of Rs. 2 Lakhs to meet partly the cost of adding an annex to the Library building which was completed in 1986 at a cost of Rs. 6 Lakhs. The Ratan Tata Library became a part of the University Library System in 1957, when the Delhi School of Economics ceased to be an autonomous institution and its management was taken over by the University of Delhi.