- Membership is open to (i) the teaching and non teaching staff of the Department of Slavonic and Finno-Ugrian Studies, (ii) Postgraduate students, (iii) Undergraduate students, (iv) Ph.D. students of SFUS Department.
- Application for membership is to be made on the prescribed form obtainable in the Library.
- Members are required to keep the Library informed of any change of address or of change of college, class, or subject of study during the period of their membership.
- Clearance certificate is to be obtained both from SFUS Library and Central Library before appearing at the annual and final examinations.
- Entry to the Library is permitted on production of valid I.D. Card issued by the University.
- Bags and mobile phones are not allowed inside the Library.
- Library cards are not transferable.
- Library is a nonsmoking area.
- Food and drinks are not allowed in the library reading room and stacks.
- Complete silence is to be observed in the library.