List of e-Resources
Bibliographic Sources
ISID Database (e-Shodh Sindhu)
Indian Social Institute's database for social science research.
Sci-Finder Scholar
Extensive database for chemistry and related sciences.
Citation Analysis Resources
A bibliographic database containing abstracts and citations for academic journal articles.
Digital Archives
Adam Matthew Digital Archives
Access historical collections in the humanities and social sciences.
Drama Online (Bloomsbury)
A resource for plays, critical analysis, and performance studies.
South Asia Archive (SAA)
Digital materials from South Asia, spanning the 18th to mid-20th centuries.
Doctoral Theses
Art & Science Academic Publications (Indian eBooks)
Published by Today and Tomorrow's Printers & Publishers.
Cambridge University Press
Access books covering diverse academic fields from Cambridge University Press.
De Gruyter Academic Publishing
A platform for high-quality academic content in various disciplines.
Access to a vast collection of english, political science, arabic studies and african studies e-books.
McGraw Hill
McGraw-Hill Education is produce textbooks, digital learning tools, and adaptive technology to enhance learning experiences and outcomes.
World Scientific
World Scientific Connect is your premier online platform for accessing cutting-edge research and insights. Our extensive library of over 12,000 titles and 180 journals.
Financial and Statistical Sources
Full Text Sources
ACM Digital Library (ONOS)
ACM Digital Library is a research, discovery and networking platform containing: The Full-Text Collection of all ACM publications, including journals, conference proceedings, technical magazines, newsletters and books.
American Institute of Physics (ONOS)
Extensive collection of physics research publications.
American Mathematical Society (ONOS)
Extensive collection of mathematics research publications.
American Society of Civil Engineers (ONOS)
ASCE is dedicated to the advancement of the science and profession of civil engineering and the enhancement of human welfare through the activities of society members.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ONOS)
ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) promotes the art, science & practice of multidisciplinary engineering around the globe.
American Society for Microbiology (ONOS)
American Society for Microbiology (ASM), originally the Society of American Bacteriologists, is a professional organization for scientists who study viruses, bacteria, fungi, algae, and protozoa as well as other aspects of microbiology.
Bentham Science (ONOS)
Bentham Science is a science, technology, and medical publisher, providing academic researchers and industrial professionals with the latest information in diverse fields of science and technology. Our peer-reviewed scholarly journals and books have an ever-increasing readership of millions of researchers worldwide.
BMJ Journals (ONOS)
Global healthcare knowledge provider BMJ Group publishes some of the world’s most cited and widely read journals. Our portfolio includes over 65 specialist journals and spans 30 medical and allied science specialities.
Economic & Political Weekly (e-Shodh Sindhu)
Leading journal covering economics and political science.
Elsevier Science Direct (18 Collections) (ONOS)
Access to a large repository of scientific and technical research.
ICE Virtual Library (ONOS)
ICE Virtual Library from ICE Publishing, the most comprehensive online civil engineering resource in the world. Here you can explore our archives back to 1836, browse ICE Publishing's internationally renowned journals and access over 1,500 eBooks to find the information you need.
IEEE Xplore Digital Library (ONOS)
A comprehensive resource for research articles in engineering and technology.
JGate Plus (JCCC) (e-Shodh Sindhu)
Comprehensive collection of Indian and international journals.
ProQuest House of Commons Parliamentary Papers
Access to UK House of Commons debates and proceedings.
Sage Journals (ONOS)
Extensive collection of peer-reviewed journals across various disciplines.
SPIE Digital Library (ONOS)
Comprehensive collection of scientific, technical, and medical e-books. Springer Link 1700 Collection is provided through eSS and in addition DULS subscribes to Springer Nature (18 Collection)
Springer Link (ONOS)
Comprehensive collection of scientific, technical, and medical e-books. Springer Link 1700 Collection is provided through eSS and in addition DULS subscribes to Springer Nature (18 Collection)
Reference e-Resources
Encyclopedia of Law Enforcement
Detailed entries on law enforcement agencies and practices.
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
Biographies of significant figures in British history.
Sage Research Methods
Comprehensive tools and resources for research methods and statistics.