It is compulsory to show your valid Library Membership Card at the entrance of the Library and sign in the entry register.
Our Journal Library is in the New Social Science Building (3rd Floor).
Use of Computer: Signature in Computer register for using the computer.
Time Limit for Use the Computer: One Hour.
Computer for the Use of OPAC Only: Do not use this computer for internet/Web browsing.
Transfer of Library Tickets for other Libraries: Tickets Numbers 1 & 2 for RTL and 5 & 6 (of Ph.D.) and 3 & 4 (of M.A.-EAS) for Central Library.
Consultation Ticket must be submitted for borrowing the book/s in the reading room.
Keep the bag/s at the entrance of the Library at the Property Counter.
Keep your mobile phone on silent mode.
Use of Pen Drive is not allowed.
Keep your valuables with you. Library is not responsible for any loss or damage.
Drinks and eatables are not allowed in Library.
Smoking is strictly prohibited.
Library Membership Card is compulsory for borrowing the book/s.
No Issue/Return between 1.00-1.30 P.M. and after 5.00 P.M on all working days.