- Inter-Library Loans is a facility which supplements the Library's own stock by obtaining material which is not available in the University Library for teachers , research scholars and Master’s level students;
- Members of the Library may request the requisite book/s on Inter-Library Loan from other libraries;
- Request forms for obtaining books on ILL can be obtained from the Reference Staff at the Central Library. A form must be filled in for each item to be requested, giving all available details about each item. The staff of the of the reference section are available during service hours to accept the requests;
- It is important that before submitting Inter-Library Loan requests, users first search the collection of the DULS including the e-resources subscribed by the University to see if the reading material is available physically or electronically;
- Books borrowed from other libraries are required to be used within the Central Library on the production of bonafide library ticket/ membership card and in no circumstances will be allowed to be taken out of the library premises;
- Lending libraries have the right to impose conditions of loan including loan period and number of renewals permitted, if any. These conditions must be adhered to strictly by borrowers. The Library may impose heavy fines on borrowers with Inter-Library Loan material in their possession beyond the due date. Serious or persistent offenders may be denied access to the Inter-Library Loan service.