Regulations on Use of the Library
The Arts Library resources are available to:
- Those students who are enrolled in different courses undertaken by different University Faculties, Departments as also to those who are enrolled at the Master's level in the affiliated/ constituent colleges unless otherwise stated in the rules.
- Those who are members of the Faculty and Non-Teaching staff of the University of Delhi.
- The whole community of the learned' i.e. others, who desire to access the University Libraries in order to undertake academic work which they cannot easily do elsewhere.
- Masters' level and Research level students from other universities, whose access will usually be restricted to few designated libraries within the DULS only.
- Those without direct connection with the University, on a written recommendation based on good personal knowledge and confirming their need and suitability for admission.
In general, libraries under the DULS offer following facilities and services;
- Library Membership Facility;
- Document Borrowing Facility;
- Text book Service;
- Reference, Referral and Information Service, and E-referencing;
- Reservation of books;
- Inter-Library Loan Service;
- Facility to browse reading materials in open access environment;
- Use of special collections wherever they are available;
- Use of Theses and Dissertation as per the conditions;
- Facility to research scholars;
- Assistance in the use of Electronic Resources;
- Information Literacy and Competency Programmes for the benefit of students and teachers of the University;
- Bibliographical Services wherever they are available;
- Article Alert Service wherever they are available;
- Photocopying Service by adhering to the Copyright Provisions is available through the commercial vendors in the vicinity of each Library
- Membership of the DULS (Amendments for Enhancement in Library Security Fee)
- Members of the permanent teaching staff of the University on the production of appointment letter issued by the University;
- Members of the permanent teaching staff of the affiliated/ constituent colleges on the production of the appointment letter issued by the College Principal;
- Members of the teaching staff who are appointed on Ad hoc/ Temporary/ Leave vacancies in the affiliated/ constituent colleges on the production of assurance from the Principal on the prescribed format;
- Ph. D. Students on the rolls of the University on the recommendation of the Chairman, Board of Research Studies: on payment of Rs. 500.00 as refundable library security deposit and payment towards the annual University Library Development Fund as applicable from time to time to be deposited with the University at the time of registration as research student;
- M.Phil. students on the rolls of the University on the recommendation of the Head of the Department concerned: on payment of Rs. 500/- as refundable library security deposit and payment towards the annual University Library Development Fund as applicable from time to time to be deposited with the University at the time of admission;
- Master’s level students on the rolls of the affiliated/ constituent colleges on the recommendation of the Principal of the College and endorsement by the HOD or the nominee of the concerned Department of the University: on payment of Rs. 500.00 as refundable library security deposit and payment towards the annual University Library Development Fund as applicable from time to time to be deposited with respective affiliated/ constituent college;
- Master’s level students registering themselves directly in the University Departments/ Faculties on the recommendation of the Head of the Department/ Board etc. : on payment of Rs. 500/- as refundable library security deposit and payment towards University Library Development Fund as applicable from time to time to be deposited directly in the University;
- Ex-students of Master’s course of the University (not applicable to External Cell Candidates) with the recommendation of the Controller of Examinations and University Librarian: on payment of Rs. 500/- as refundable library security deposit and payment towards annual University Library Development Fund as applicable from time to time to be deposited with the University. The period of annual subscription towards University Library Development Fund will be counted from the date he/she is enrolled. The renewal of membership will be done annually subject to the payment of University Library Development Fund;
- Students of Bachelor level (Professional Courses) such as B.L.I.Sc., LL.B. etc. who are enrolled in the Faculties/ Departments of the University : on a payment of Rs. 500/- as refundable library security deposit and payment towards Annual University Library Development Fund as applicable from time to time to be deposited directly in the University;
- Students of Diploma/ Certificate Courses conducted by the Faculty/ Department of the University: on a payment of Rs. 500/- as refundable library security deposit and payment towards Annual University Library Development Fund as applicable from time to time to be deposited directly in the University;
- Undergraduate students who desire to utilize the library facility at the South Zone Undergraduate Library or any other such UG Library on the recommendation of the Principal of the respective affiliated/ constituent college: on payment of Rs. 250/- refundable library security deposit and payment towards annual University Library Development Fund as applicable from time to time to be deposited at the concerned library;
- Non-teaching staff serving as permanent staff of the University on production of the appointment letter;
- Retired teachers and retired non-teaching staff who are on pay rolls of University of Delhi as pensioners and are engaged in academic work, under special permission of the University Librarian and on payment of Rs. 500/- as Library Security Deposit will be extended the membership;
- Outsiders other than retired teaching and non-teaching staff of the University of Delhi, engaged in research or higher studies with special permission of the University Librarian on payment of Rs.100/- as monthly subscription or Rs. 200/- as Quarterly subscription;
- PG students of Non-Collegiate Women Cell will be provided the library facility on the recommendation of the Director of the NCW on payment of Rs. 500.00 as refundable library security deposit and payment towards the annual University Library Development Fund as applicable from time to time;
- Other categories of members who have not been listed above will be provided the library facility including membership, with the permission of the University Librarian and with the approval of the Chairman, Governing Body, subject to the realization of fee to be decided on a case-to-case basis.
- How to Become a Member
- The teachers, M. Phil., Ph. D. scholars and Master’s level students and other categories of users who are admitted through various Faculties/ Departments/ affiliated/ constituent Colleges of the University, will be given the membership facility by the Central Library or through their designated libraries as per their entitlement. The membership to the students of South Delhi Campus will be handled by the Library located at the South Delhi Campus.
- The application form for the library membership can be obtained from the Central Library/ respective libraries.
- The application form duly recommended by the Principal/ Head of the Department, as the case may be, should be submitted to respective libraries of the DULS or to the Central Library/ SDCL of the University as per the entitlement for processing.
- Other categories of members which include retired teachers, non-teaching staff, outsiders etc. are required to approach Central Library for registration.
- The Undergraduate students willing to avail the library facility at the South Zone Undergraduate Library or any other such UG Library will be enrolled as member on the recommendation of the Principal of a college. Application form may be obtained and submitted to the South Zone Under Graduate Library or any other such UG Library.
- Members should keep the library informed of any change of address, change of college, class or subject of study during the period of their membership.
- Validity and Renewal of Membership
- Master’s level students membership will be valid from 16th July to 30th April of each academic session;
- M.Phil. / Ph. D /Post Doctoral Students and students under other categories, membership will be valid for one academic session ( July to June mode) and thereafter should renew their membership;
- Teachers of the University and the affiliated/ constituent colleges membership is valid for one academic session and thereafter should renew their membership;
- Non-teaching staff membership is valid for one academic session and thereafter should renew their membership;
- Special category membership is valid till the expiry of the term, which has been specified while issuing the consultation facility.
- Obtaining Clearance Certificate
- The library books/ tickets/ membership cards are the property of the library and are to be returned and dues, if any, be cleared/ paid and a clearance certificate be obtained from the Central Library after obtaining the clearance from respective libraries.
- It will be mandatory to each and every bonafide member of the Library to obtain No Dues from the Central Library after obtaining the clearance from respective libraries.
- All formalities to obtain clearance certificate are to be completed by the member before taking the university examination or submitting the theses/ dissertations or terminating connection with the affiliated/ constituent college or the university as the case may be.
- Those members who have been offered Text Book Usage facilities are required to obtain first the no dues from their respective libraries with regard to return of Text Books before they approach the Central Library for final clearance.
- A research student is required to submit a clearance certificate of the library to the Board of Research Studies before the research work is accepted for examination.
- It will be mandatory for all the constituent / affiliated colleges to seek the clearance certificate from Teachers, PG and UG level students who have obtained library membership of the DULS libraries and of South Zone UG Library.
- It will be mandatory for the Central Library to inform the affiliated/ constituent colleges about the membership of the DULS obtained by their bonafide teachers, students.
- No Affiliated/ Constituent College/ Institution/ Department/ Administrative machinery of the University shall issue a discharge certificate to any of its student/teacher/non-teaching staff who is a member of the library without obtaining a Library No Dues Clearance Certificate from the Central Library.
- Clearance Certificates are not issued to non-members.
- Borrowing Facility
- Members of the Teaching Staff of the University will be issued a membership generated electronically and can borrow ten books for 1 month (30 days). Alternatively, they would be given ten Library Tickets.
- Members of the teaching staff of the constituent / affiliated colleges will be issued a membership generated electronically and can borrow six books for 1 month (30 days). Alternatively, they would be given six Library Tickets.
- Ph. D. students enrolled on the register of the University will be issued a membership generated electronically and can borrow six books for 1 month (30 days). Alternatively, they would be given six Library Tickets.
- M.Phil. students on the rolls of the University will be issued a membership generated electronically and can borrow five books for a period of 1 month (30 days). They can borrow only two text books out of the total number of five books for a period specified by the respective library. Alternatively, they would be given five Library Tickets.
- Master’s level students on the rolls of the affiliated/ constituent college: In addition to library facilities extended by the respective affiliated/ constituent college, the student registered in the affiliated/ constituent college will be entitled for membership generated electronically and can borrow four books. They can borrow only two text books out of the total number of four books for a period specified by the respective library. Alternatively, they would be given four Library Tickets.
- Master’s level students registering themselves directly in the University Departments/ Faculties will be entitled for membership generated electronically and can borrow four books. They can borrow only two text books out of the total number of four books for a period specified by the respective library. Alternatively, they would be given four library tickets.
- Ex-students of Master’s level course of the University (not applicable to External Cell Candidates): 2 library tickets to issue books for a fortnight (15 days).
- Bachelor level students (Professional courses) such as B.L.I.Sc., LL.B. etc. who are on the rolls of the Faculties/ Departments of the University will be entitled for membership generated electronically and can borrow four books. They can borrow only two text books out of the total number of four books for a period specified by the respective library. Alternatively, they would be given four Library Tickets.
- Students of Diploma/ Certificate Courses will be entitled for membership generated electronically and can borrow two books for a fortnight (15 days). Alternatively, they would be given Two Library Tickets.
- Undergraduate level students who desire to utilize the library facility at the South Zone Undergraduate Library or any other such UG Library will be entitled to borrow two books from the UG Library.
- Outsiders other than retired teachers and non-teaching staff of the University of Delhi: Only consultation facility.
- Master’s level students registering themselves with Non-Collegiate Women’s Cell of the University will be entitled for membership generated electronically and can borrow four books from the designated libraries. They can borrow only two text books out of the total number of four books for a period specified by the respective library. Alternatively, they would be given four library tickets.
- Non-teaching staff of the University will be entitled for membership generated electronically and can borrow four books for a fortnight (15 days). Alternatively, they would be given four Library Tickets.
- Retired teachers and retired non-teaching staff who are on the pay rolls of University of Delhi as pensioners will be entitled for consultation facility + 2 library tickets to issue books for a fortnight (15 days).
- Other categories of members who have not been listed above will be provided the library facilities including membership, with the permission of the University Librarian and with the approval of the Chairman, Governing Body, subject to the realization of fee to be decided on a case-to-case basis.
- Condtions of Loan
- Electronically generated membership card/ Library tickets / Text Book tickets and the books issued on those memberships, by the respective libraries, are non-transferable as they are tokens of privileges extended only to the members to whom they are issued.
- Sub-lending of the books and misuse of the privileges are entirely at the risk of the membership holder and Library/ libraries in no way will be responsible of its misuse.
- Manuscripts, reference books, rare books, theses, dissertations, periodicals (loose numbers and bound volumes) and such other reading materials as are marked for consultation within the library shall not be issued out for loan except with the special permission of the University Librarian or the In-charge of the library.
- Borrowers must satisfy themselves about the physical condition of the books before borrowing; otherwise, they will be held responsible for any damage or mutilation noticed later or at the time of returning.
- Penalties for books lost, damaged, mutilated or defaced by marking shall be fixed by the University Librarian.
- The University Librarian or In-charge of the Library pending the discharge of the liabilities may suspend defaulters from the use of the library.
- Loan of books is not renewable, in case it is in demand by another user.
- The University Librarian or In-charge of the Library can recall books on loan with members at any time.
- Issue System and Reservations
- In the event of electronically generated membership card, on each occasion when the book is borrowed, the reader must approach the respective library’s issue and return counter with their membership ID and get the book charged/ issued/ discharged/ return.
- In above case, the reader should frequently check their online record by using User ID and password to know the status of issue/ return.
- In the event of holding the membership tickets, as per the entitlements, the user should ensure that the number of books issued and number of library tickets available in hand meets its requirement;
- In case of any discrepancy, the same should be brought to the notice of In-charge, Issue and Return Counter immediately.
- Reservation for books which are not on the library shelves can be made by teachers and research students on prescribed reservation cards available at the reference desk or electronically through e-mail as the case may be. The library will inform the member as soon as the book is available.
- Text Book collections are available in different libraries on the subjects handled by it.
- Text Book Collection comprises of reading materials covering prescribed readings, recommended reading, allied and relational readings and such other books as may be considered important for placement along with such collections.
- Some copies of Text Books as may be considered necessary will may be kept for ‘For Consultation only’ and cannot be issued.
- In the case of heavy demand of certain books, the preference will be given to students at the Master’s and M.Phil. levels;
- Rules regarding loan period in respect of text books and its usage may vary from library to library ;
- Facility to reserve Text Books is available;
- Overdue charge for keeping the Text Books overtime is Rs. 1/- per day per volume. Such charges are to be placed in the conscience box kept at the circulation section of each library.
- Rules regarding the usage of South Zone Text Book Library or any other such designated library will be framed separately by the Central Library.
- Inter-Library Loans is a facility which supplements the Library's own stock by obtaining material which is not available in the University Library for teachers , research scholars and Master’s level students;
- Members of the Library may request the requisite book/s on Inter-Library Loan from other libraries;
- Request forms for obtaining books on ILL can be obtained from the Reference Staff at the Central Library. A form must be filled in for each item to be requested, giving all available details about each item. The staff of the of the reference section are available during service hours to accept the requests;
- It is important that before submitting Inter-Library Loan requests, users first search the collection of the DULS including the e-resources subscribed by the University to see if the reading material is available physically or electronically;
- Books borrowed from other libraries are required to be used within the Central Library on the production of bonafide library ticket/ membership card and in no circumstances will be allowed to be taken out of the library premises;
- Lending libraries have the right to impose conditions of loan including loan period and number of renewals permitted, if any. These conditions must be adhered to strictly by borrowers. The Library may impose heavy fines on borrowers with Inter-Library Loan material in their possession beyond the due date. Serious or persistent offenders may be denied access to the Inter-Library Loan service.
- All bonafide members are entitled to access electronic resources through campus network;
- However, bulk copying, systematic downloading or use of such electronic materials for commercial purposes and other such usages which are in violation to IPR rules or other relevant rules and regulations of the country, is strictly prohibited.
- Strict action will be taken, if any breach of law is discovered./li>
- The members have the privilege of direct access to the shelves in the stack halls and the freedom to browse books during specified hours subject to certain requirements of the concerned library.
- The library books are for the benefit of not only the present but also the future members of the library. They should, therefore, be handled with every care and consideration.
- It is important that the classified arrangement of books, according to the numbers, is maintained on the shelves for the convenience of the members themselves.
- Bonafide Ph. D. student shall be entitled to use the research floor on the basis of the Research Floor Membership Card;
- A specified area in the research floor will be available to M. Phil. students;
- Bonafide teachers registered for Ph.D. from DU or engaged in sponsored projects; and visiting research scholars from India and abroad, on production of necessary papers and with the permission of the University Librarian may use the research floor;
- Each bonafide research scholar who have been allotted seats/ numbers shall be entitled to a specified number of books as laid down by the University Librarian which he/she can retain for research work for a stipulated period after registering them at a designated place;
- The Library reserves the right to call for any book retained by any scholars;
- A ‘Controlled Stack’ of books needed by research students will be set up and maintained on the research floor for a limited period under a designated Library Officer;
- The Research Scholars should get the required number of books issued at a place identified by the library before it is taken out to his/her seat. However, if any unauthorized books are found in the possession of the scholar in his/her locker or seat, the same will be recovered by using duplicate key available in the Library and necessary action against the scholar will be taken;
- Locks on the allotted lockers should not be replaced without the permission of the University Librarian;
- Dissertations/ Theses can be consulted only at the designated place in the Library in a specified time period. Photocopying or scanning of printed theses/ dissertation is not permissible;
- Reference books, bound volumes and loose issues of periodicals are not permitted in the research floor;
- Research scholars shall give prior information to the library before proceeding on long periods of absence (more than two months) on vacation/ leave/ field work;
- The members shall inform the library about any change in their contact address or sta
- Tea, beverages and other eatables on the research floor are not permissible;
- Research floor should be used for study and research purposes only. No other activities shall be permitted;
- Library administration shall not be responsible for the loss of any valuables and personal effects of the users on the research floor.
- The clearance certificate shall be issued only after the scholar surrenders the seat and locker allotted to him/her and returns all reading materials issued by the library and clears other outstanding dues, if any;
- Any violation of Rules and Regulations may entail cessation of facilities provided.
Detailed information regarding general regulations for various library services are given under the following sub-headings:
- Overdue Charges
- The member is expected to return borrowed books on or before the due date stamped on the date label in the book.
- An overdue charge of Rs. 1/- per day per volume will be levied for the late return of general books.
- Overdue charges for later return of text books will be in accordance with the rules specified above under “Use of Textbook Collection”.
- Different units of Delhi University Library System shall use conscience box method of collecting overdue charge. Members are requested to drop the correct amount into the fine box at the library counter. No receipt is issued for such payment.
- Loss of Books and/ or Library Tickets
- Neither books nor membership card be lent to another person.
- The member is responsible for the books borrowed on his / her library tickets.
- Loss of library books or membership cards must be reported in writing to the University Librarian or In-charge of the Library immediately.
- Borrowers will be asked to pay at the rates fixed by the Library for or replace the book lost or returned in damaged or mutilated condition.
- If the Library Ticket or the electronically generated membership card is lost, a deposit of non-refundable Rs. 100/- will be required from the member. The Central Library/ other libraries of the DULS will entertain such deposits. Duplicate library tickets/ membership card will be issued accordingly. However return/ payment/ replacement of book/s issued on the previous Library tickets/ membership card will be the sole responsibility of the user and no clearance will be given till the dues are not cleared.
- Library Hours
- The library shall normally functions for twelve hours a day or more during the academic session.
- Library hours are subject to change from time to time and all changes in timings are duly notified on the notice boards of different libraries.
- The library is open round the year except on Republic Day, Holi, Independence Day and Gandhi Jayanti.
- Maintanence of Discipline
- University Library is a place of individual study and research. It is necessary to maintain an atmosphere of quiet and dignity inside the library. Members are, therefore, reminded that conversation or consultation among themselves or noisy or demonstrative greeting of friends inside the library is not permissible.
- Library user are expected not to act in any way which disturbs the reading or study of other users or which also interferes with the proper functioning of the Library.
- Smoking is also not allowed inside the library.
- The users will deposit their personal belongings including personal books at the property counter in the specified libraries against a token.
- Library reserves the right to check the contents of the items deposited at the property counter.
- Library user are expected not to act in any way which disturbs the reading or study of other users or which also interferes with the proper functioning of the Library.
- In case the property counter token is lost, the deposited article may be claimed with proper identification after producing a written request in the prescribed format.
- The Library on writte Borrowers must satisfy themselves about the physical condition of the books before borrowing; otherwise, they will be held responsible for any damage or mutilation noticed later or at the time of returning. n request can permit the use of personal laptop and other electronic storage media inside the library subject to conditions mentioned at clause 7 of this rule and regulations.
- Use of mobile phone is prohibited, especially in the areas where the users are engaged in study and research.
- Eating and drinking is not allowed in the areas where the users are engaged in study and research.
- Damage to or theft of Library property will be referred to the University's Disciplinary authorities and other law enforcing authorities.
- Notices, publicity materials/ wall writings etc. are not allowed in any part of the Library building.
- The Library will not be responsible for any damage or loss to equipment plugged into power points in the library or to data stored thereon as a result of power fluctuations or any other cause.
- Library staff working in the Library will not be able to transmit telephone calls or other personal messages to library users.
The competent library authority is vested with all powers to ensure and enforce proper discipline, upkeep and observance of rules and regulations as laid down herein above and other relevant rules and regulations enforced from time to time. He/she may take necessary action to the extent of imposing penalties demanding compensation for lost or damaged items belonging to the library, suspend/ terminate the privileges of the library membership or deal with any issue which is in the interest of the library.