Central Science Library (CSL) is known to be the most prestigious library under Delhi University Library System, University of Delhi. Since its inception (1981) the CSL has a vision to become a world class ICT-driven centre of excellence which provide the most user-friendly environment for learning, teaching and research so that the Central Science Library becomes the centre of scholarly activities in the University system for science stream. The increasing reliance on electronic resources lead to a shift toward access rather than storage and this requires an information infrastructure which should satisfy today’s need and future’s demands, enabling researchers to spend less time searching for information and more time upon reflection and experiment. The website is redesigned to serve as an online gateway to the scholarly scientific information available as a part of library resources or selected additional resources available in public domain providing access to information from anywhere in the world and serves as an important research tool for current students , faculty and staff of Science and Mathematical Science faculty, University of Delhi.
This website provides high quality information resources and information services that are user-centered, user-friendly and helps in the advancement of learning, teaching research and scholarship. It provides effective linkage to enable the Library’s clientele to access information in other knowledge institutions both locally and internationally. This website is designed keeping in view that it should provide information literacy to its vast user base majority of which are postgraduate students.
We are pleased to invite you to explore and utilize our web-based library and information services through this website. Ask your queries to our professional staff; use our library online database (OPAC); explore our numerous electronic resources and research tools. We also invite the Faculties to come and join in the common goal of knowledge generation, and effective dissemination.