The emergence of Central Science Library (CSL) dates back to 1981 prior to that, it was a part of Central Reference Library (CRL), Delhi. However, the need to have a separate Science Library was shown much earlier by Carl M. White in 1966 who recommended "that a Science Library be created to serve the departments, which consist of Faculty of Science and that the collection now maintained by these departments and related material in the main library be used to form the nucleus of the new library. A Science Librarian of outstanding ability be employed to take charge of it and that a new building be erected to house the library". With the growth of the University, the membership of Central Library was also increasing continuously, as a result in due course of time with increasing membership and their changing information needs, it became inconvenient for Central Library to serve the users, belonging to the faculty of science effectively. So CSL was separated from CRL and housed in a separate building to serve members of science faculty .The three-storied building having a carpet area of 22,595 sq. feet with a sitting capacity of 185 seats started functioning independently with effect from 8th April 1981. The administration of CSL is under the Dean of the faculty of science.
The prestigious library which is situated in the heart Faculty of Science, University of Delhi to serve the needs of departments and centre under Faculty of Science and Mathematical Science.
- Ambedker Centre for Biomedical Research
- Department of Anthropology
- Department of Botany
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of Computer Science
- Department of Environmental Studies
- Department of Geology
- Department of Mathematics
- Department of Operational Research
- Department of Physics and Astrophysics
- Department of Statistics
- Department of Zoology